First thing's first...I adore grumpy cat...he is the perfect intro to this new month and challenge...because rather than being grumpy, he makes me quite happy :D
So...*drumroll please*
30 for 30
Our new challenge!
This challenge is something I found poking around different blogs and pins about fitness and health. I'm also part of MFP as most of you have heard, and there is another woman doing this right now. I'm excited to be her friend and support her, and totally steal this idea ;)
So the challenge is pretty simple: exercise for 30 minutes a day for 30 days!
There is only one thing keeping us from doing a perfect April 30 days...and that's the fact that we're LDS and don't work out on Sundays.
So I went to the calendar, removed all Sundays, and we will end right on May 4th. This is exciting since it's another Holiday (Our previous challenge was over on Easter) and Courtney and I are both super connected to this hispanic celebration.
This will be our "day off" kind of like Easter was.
I'm really excited to get moving, but I live in a frozen tundra, so here's my little long as you exercise that day (so maybe not a full 30 minutes) and by exercise, I mean do something to break a sweat) then it won't count as a failed day, but it will only be a half credit.
The person who gets the most full credit days at the end of the 30 days will get a small gift from the other.
Courtney knows this could mean a new movie, book or something she reeeaalllyyyy it's on!!!
Here's a little calendar I made for you to see how the days fall:
I'm SUPER excited to get moving. I know weight loss and health in general is a lot about eating. I think the ratio is 80% what you eat and 20% how you move.
With that being said, I'm going to do my best to avoid sugars, processed foods, and other "junk" food rules, but also add the work out portion.
I'll still be logging into MFP, so please go add me! I love all the friends and support I get there.
Wish us luck!! :D
New month, new goal. Together Jeni and I plan on working out, or doing some kind of physical activity, for at least 30 minutes. I like the way she measured it too - to at least break a sweat. If you're not sweating, it's not working enough, right?! But I'm going to add to my goal. I didn't do too well when it comes to the last challenge, and I think this new one will be more doable for me.
I've done a lot of research on the pros and cons of juicing and green smoothies, and I like them both. But juicing uses up a TON of produce, which can get oober expensive, as Jeni pointed out in her last post. But I've read a ton of success stories for both, people that had a lot of weight to lose, or not so much. One guy lost 80 pounds just doing green smoothies 2 meals a day, and eating whole healthy foods for the other meal, and for snacks. So that's what I want to do. 2 green smoothies per day, fruits and veggies to snack on, and whatever mom makes for dinner (which is always something healthy, because my mom is a health nut) :)

I'm super excited about this new challenge! I wasn't all the way on the bandwagon with the last challenge, which is why I kept falling off. But I'm serious this time. Famous last words, right?? ;)
Plus we have some awesome plans for this blog, so hold on to your hats, ladies and gents!
LDS don't work out on Sunday's? I've honestly never heard that before.
ReplyDeleteI guess I should clarify that Courtney and I agreed it wasn't an appropriate Sabbath day activity. It has to do with the fact that we are LDS, but not a rule in the church or anything. :)
Delete--“Let the boys have their exercise. Let them have amusements at the proper time, but let them be taught better things on the Sabbath day,” said President Joseph F. Smith. (“What Shall We Do on the Sabbath Day?” Improvement Era, vol. 19, p. 864.)
—Doing gardening and odd jobs around the house.
—Playing vigorously and going to movies.
I read this talk on my mission and taught families about this list...I guess that's where I got the doesn't specifically say exercise, but that's how I took it.