Wednesday, April 3, 2013

30 for 30 Challenge - Day 3

My first workout of the Month!

Today: 1
Total: 2.5

Today was wonderful!

Had a whole wheat bagel in the morning and small meals the rest of the day. Did wonderful on calories and went to the gym tonight!

Overall, I'm just trying to stay pumped about this whole journey. I had a couple of days where I was feeling kind of low, but I just need to remember that this is gonna take time...patience has never been a virtue of mine.

A little action shot...
I heard something today that really hit me hard, "You always need to love your body. Even if you are overweight and trying to get healthy, the body you have now is gonna get you there." WOW! So true. a boss ;)
A big part of this journey has already taught me to appreciate the gift of my body. Heavenly Father gave it to me. It's unlike any other. I need to realize that it's the only one I get, so treat it right!

Today for exercise, I intended to go to my favorite Zumba instructor's class, but it was cancelled and there won't be anymore classes this semester :( So I went to the gym instead. My friend didn't really feel it, so she said she would stretch while I worked out. I committed to do a solid 15 minutes on the elliptical (I want to work my way up) and then do the circuit area with all sorts of weight machines for the other 15 minutes.

I was just winding down to 15 minutes on the elliptical when my favorite Imagine Dragons song came on in the gym, so I just pumped it through the last 4 minutes.
Then the machines had me working up a good sweat and my arms were hurting, but I just couldn't stop. It just really caught hold of me tonight. I love feeling like my body can do anything.

I ended with a good stretching session and some jumping jacks!

So another exciting announcement is that there is officially a facebook page for "Besties with Breasties". We'd love for you to "Like" our page and we'll try and keep some fun updates going for you!

I'm posting some random pictures of my work-outs. I'm gonna try and keep taking pics to stay accountable and track any progress I see.
My instagram name is jenidominga, feel free to follow me!

Ok, onto my funny picture for today! This is how I'm feeling this week...yes, finals are upon us! Next week are all the final tests, but this week there are lots of writing assignments, study groups, etc. etc.

I took a music listening test today and just bombed it...I was so tired and totally second guessed myself :( I felt like Kel in this picture for sure.

But life is good. I feel good. I hope you are all feeling good too!

Be happy and healthy, my loves!

Today - 1
Total - 3

Today wasn't as good as my past 2 days, in regards to food. I forgot to take the tonic, and I didn't feel like I had as much energy today. But I still got my "work out" in - I did some stretching and then went on a long walk, which definitely breaks a sweat in this Florida humidity. And over the past few weeks and months of making these changes, my body notices a difference, because my score muscles are becoming stronger, and I know that as long as I stretch, the stiffness goes away. That being said,  I don't know if being unemployed can be seen as a blessing, but while I haven't been working, I've been able to really look at who I am when I'm not a student, outside of school. My role as a student is important, but I'm also a sister, a daughter, a writer, a woman, and I've just been able to refine those roles, and dig deeper into knowing myself. That includes knowing my body and taking care of it. But I've come to love my long walks. Whether I'm walking down a busy road listening to music, or taking a stroll down my favorite River Road, long walks give me time to think, ponder, and reflect on important things that I may be concerned or stressed about, things I need to plan or prepare for, or just quiet time to appreciate life and enjoy the beauty of nature. So I'm oddly grateful for this time of my life, even if it isn't the most ideal life situation - I guess refiner's fires really do end up making us better people.

And I'm not a runner - yet. My chiropractor said no running, so I won't, at least until I strengthen my core muscles more, and become more physically prepared for it. Until then, I'm going to walk the soles off my shoes, all over this town. Because I can :) and when I do become a runner, I'm going to do a Disney marathon. Someday!!!!! Because a goal that isn't written down is just a wish. So keep track of those goals, people! And plan little baby steps to help you achieve them :) YOU CAN DO IT!!! Or from a not-so-popular Disney Channel Original Movie, I tell you in Spanish - SI SE PUEDE!!!!! ;)

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