Friday: 1
Saturday: 1/2
Total: 11

I know that my schedule over the next few weeks is going to be KILLER. Up at 5:30 for work, possibly squeezing in science homeworking during naptime (since that's all I'm taking this semester, then I'm done with my AA!), working out at the gym after nanny mom gets home between 5:30-6:30, then coming home for shower and dinner, and then all night doing more homework, which might also cut out my institute attendance. This leaves little room for a social life or book writing, but sacrifices must be made, as demonstrated in this little meme here. Decisions, decisions...
Regardless, this is only the short term schedule, because I am going to be saving up money for school in the fall, and that's when the real challenge will begin. So I'll bite the bullet for now, and just do this one day at a time. One more week till this challenge is over, and then Jenny and I will start something new! :) Best of luck to all of you and your goals!
Jenny: (uhm, I just sat here and struggled to type my name...)
23: 1
24: 0
Total: 11.5 (I think...have to check.)
Hey y'all. Guess what I did this weekend?
I drove to Utah and had lunch with my Grandmother who just turned 82! :)
It was so good and much needed weekend break from school, working out and Rexburg. Don't get me wrong, I love all of those things, but each of them in too much dosage has started to take a toll.
Since I was the primary driver today and we barely got home in time for church and taught our first week of primary and had company for dinner tonight, I'm pretty whooped. I might slobber on my arm before my homework is done tonight...mmm...visuals!
Seriously though, life is good. I'm feeling super blessed lately. I have a really full schedule and a lot to think about and do lately, but I can't complain on bit. I know I'm where I'm supposed to be, I am who I'm supposed to be with and I'm making every effort to be better.
As far as working out on Friday, I headed to my Aerobics class only to realize we don't meet Fridays. So I went to the gym for the hour instead. I think I'll do that every Friday since I already have that hour blocked out.
Ed and I got some workouts helping people move this weekend too. In return for our service, we got some free furniture, which we're really grateful for! We also bought a table and chairs which has made me a VERY happy wife.

I hope you all had a good weekend and are also working towards your workout goals. We are rooting for you!
As a final thought, I realized all over again that I love myself regardless of the number on the scale.
There are a few reasons. First of all, I really believe God saved me from a world of pain when he made me chubby as a kid. I can't imagine going through some of the vulnerable and hard times in my life with adding relationships or guys chasing me, or even the thought of being promiscuous too early.
Secondly, I am grateful that I can help people feel comfortable around me. This might not seem like it's related to weight, but one fat joke, one crack about reality or food or just being different and I can usually diffuse differences and help people realize that I'm secure with myself and like to laugh at myself sometimes. I don't know if this one is making sense, but I promise I mean it in a good way ;)
Anyhow. I love you all.
Be happy and healthy!
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