Friday - 1/2
Saturday - 1/2
Total - 6!
That's only half, haha...
I need to step it up.
Life has been crazy the past few days, because I've just been running around helping with one of my friend's weddings in San Diego. But with all the heavy lifting and decorating and body moving activities, I can safely say that I get half a point for each day.
In other great news, I might have a job when I get back home! :D I've been invited to a couple interviews, but I know for sure there's this one nanny mom that needs some help the day that I get back. So I'll be getting paid, woo hoo!!! That also means that once I get a steady income again, I can go back to the GYM!!!! :D and then this challenge is going to be on like Donkey Kong. Keep that in mind, Jeni! ;)
Yesterday started out pretty rough, but I had a fantastic day at church, and I was taught many things by the Spirit, even from lessons that I had already heard before. I'm just so blessed, even in my trials - even on a Monday! ;) And I'm so grateful that the Lord is aware of me, and he wants me to be happy and successful, and he provides for me, even when I don't expect it, or deserve it.
Matthew 6:28 - "Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:" <3
Last few days: 0
Today: 1
Total: Still don't know.
So, being sick is we all know, and I've seriously done nothing but sleep, eat, go to church and leave the house one other time.
It's been necessary, but really hurt my good streak of working out. Especially since I was working my way to more time and harder resistance.
In any case, today I'm feeling better, but Ed is super sick now :(
I'm also babysitting my neighbors newborn. So fun! Ed and I talked about working out later today, but if he's still sick, I doubt we'll go.

I am anxious to feel 100% and jump back into things.
My funny picture is a little jab at all of us who have used every excuse in the book to not take responsibility for our actions. Funny, but true.
I'm gonna get back to watching this precious baby take her nap :)
Be happy and healthy, loves!
UPDATE: Just got back from the gym with Ed. He is stoked about getting back in shape too, so it will be nice to have multiple workout buddies :)
I have a couple of thoughts. First of all, a good playlist can make or break a work out session. Second of all, working out ALWAYS ends up being worth it and I'm always a lot happier and more satisfied when I go.
Lastly, I have a couple of exciting announcements for the upcoming months, but I'm finalizing a lot of things, so please keep praying and pulling for Courtney and I to be able to make our health a priority and be successful!

My prayers are with you all <3
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