18: 0
19: 1
20: .5
Total: 10
Ok, so I will admit that I got kind of lazy and busy this weekend and didn't exercise. I probably could have, but I really wanted to get ready for a new semester Monday, so I didn't.
However, despite that little rain cloud, there is sunshine! I mentioned on the Facebook page today that I was accepted into an aerobics class! I am required to work out 4 times a week, keep a food and exercise log and I will even get to use a heart monitor as part of a project for class. I am excited to begin learning more about how to be healthy.
I went to the gym today and did the bicycle machine (is there a better name for it?) for just a few minutes before Ed was done with class. I also TREKED uphill for class this morning...and will have to do that every Mon, Wed and Fri mornings. I signed up for classes that are on opposite sides of campus! Duh! You see Child Development is my 7:45am class and is on the far North side of campus. Then I have Psychology on the Southern-most tip of campus. After that is this Aerobics class and that is on the far North-West side of campus. So needless to say, I either need to get in shape to do this, or doing this will force me to get in shape!

Love you all. Keep moving forward!
xoxo Jenny
**Tuesday update: Today was SO CRAZY and I have to be up for my 7:45 am class tomorrow, so this will be quick. (It's past midnight now.)
I had I-Night tonight. It's a big carnival type thing for new and returning students to come to for games, challenges, hanging out and getting to know people. It also features some groups on campus, which included my comedy troupe.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE performing, but our first show was a total bust...barely any laughs and a lot of awkward silences or people saying, "awww" when someone made a funny jab at another character. Not the kind of energy we were expecting.
Luckily the second show of the night was MUCH better. It was rather emotional and exhausting, though, to give your all to something and have it feel like a failure.
I'm giving myself a half point today because Ed and I did a ton of walking this morning as we shopped for new semester items and some much needed furniture.
We are moving to the downstairs apartment in our house and we're stoked, but it's much bigger and we need to have legit furniture!
This was supposed to be short, right...sheesh.
Anyhow, if any of you have performed in any kind of theatre, it can be quite a workout. Me and the other girls on the cast had about 5 random dance parties, then we gave all we could to our characters. In one scene I throw myself on the ground and have a fit. Also, I went up and down the stairs by the theatre about a hundred times!
Anyhow...I promise to give you an update about my fitness class tomorrow :D
Sat - 0
Mon - 0
Tue - 0?
Total - Still 7 1/2
Note to self - don't ever start a new semester, a new full time job, and your period at the same time. These past few days have not been my finest. I have been an emotional and physical train-wreck since I got back from San Diego, and I'm just trying to work through it. I know that I need to be better, in a lot of aspects in my life, but I'm taking it one day at a time.
New full time nanny job includes running around after 2 toddlers, starting at 5:30 every morning. It's all I can do to stay awake during nap time to do homework, make necessary phone calls, or make little updates like this on my laptop. Once I get off work, I'm headed straight to the gym, to re-open my account at LA Fitness and then I'll hope and pray that I can wiggle the monthly dues down so that it will fit into my monthly budget. I plan on taking my nanny kids on a long walk, but that's going to be completely dependent on how freakishly bipolar the weather is feeling today. Which has also been part of my downfall, because of the 4 days of rain, I've been seriously lacking in my vitamin D / sunshine / happiness.
Also, I'm starting this new semester off with a bang, and it has been a hellish nightmare for the past 48 hours. Right now I'm an online student through BYU-Idaho, but I'm trying to change that so that I can bean on-campus student in the fall for my Bachelors (why am I trading in Florida for Idaho, you ask? Because I'm crazy, and only a certified lunatic would do what I'm doing). But I've hit about one brick wall after another trying to get everything set up in the fall, while I start the spring semester, and I haven't met one helpful person in the ten various offices that I've had to call. I would just give up now if I didn't know that it's where Heavenly Father wants me to go. So I've just got to suck it up and wait till He fixes everything, cause I've done my part.

Anyway, this isn't a blog for me to vent out my frustrations, it's for everyone to be motivated and healthy and happy! So since Jenny already provided you with some motivational encouragement, I will include some humor for your day. If you're struggling like me, just focus on what you can control, and we'll get through it eventually. There's gonna be a light at the end of the tunnel right?!
Keep your head in the game, people.
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