Today: 0
Total: 3
If I'm being super honest, I did absolutely nothing today. Even my eating wasn't that great. Thank goodness for starting over and a new day tomorrow right?? Today I was busy with catching up on homework in preparation for finals next week (that might be all you hear about for the next few days, from the both of us!!) and then hanging out with my nieces. We walked to the park by my house and I tossed a tennis ball around for them to practice hitting, but again, they got more of a work out than I did. I had a tonic this morning, pizza for lunch, and a green smoothie for dinner, so that wasn't very well balanced at all either.

And in light of General Conference coming up this weekend (so excited!!!) here is a little motivation, for me more than anyone else. Happy weekend, people!!
Today: 0
Total: 2.5
Well, I know we're always saying how we are the same person, but today that could not be more true.
I had a LOOOOONG day...and it did not include eating well OR working out :(
What it did include was finalizing some exciting new features of this blog!
And lots and lots of finals prep, school requirements, and homework...yay!?

So, I'm hesitant all of a sudden to post this, but I made a video today that I hope is a first of many.
It's a little intro to me and what Courtney and I are doing, with a little bit of my recent struggles and how they have become my motivation.
Be kind, I'm new to editing and video making in general...and yes, this was in my car...good acoustics? Nope, just busy!
Love you all!
Be healthy and happy...and always remember tomorrow is a new day!
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