I don't know what my total is anymore...
Ok, so I have officially jumped back on the bandwagon! I'm feeling awesome about the progress I'm making and I will tell you why.
First of all, Ed and I came to school for the one class I had and then went and worked out! Ed did some laps in the pool and I totally killed it on the elliptical I really pushed myself harder and did an intensive cardio workout for 25 minutes straight! I was working up an amazing sweat and almost kept going, but I wanted to work on my core a bit more.

Anyhow, after that I was feeling the burn, still working up a great sweat and feeling like a boss. So I swaggered on over to the crunch balls and as soon as I leaned back...I couldn't get myself back up. I think I exhausted my muscles cause I just couldn't even move upward at all and I looked super awkward. I don't think anyone was watching, but if they were, they got quite a show. I leaned further back on the ball and tried to pretend and do something with my legs that looked legit, then rolled off as gracefully as possible head first backwards. :) Oh Jeni...these are the moments of your life.
So, I must admit, after that workout, I was STARVING. I had only done an apple and peanut butter for breakfast and by the time I was done working out it was 2pm. No bueno! Ed and I hadn't packed a lunch either, so...we did something I haven't done in almost 2 months...we ate out! *dun dun duuunnn*
It wasn't my most glorious moment, but I did give my drink away to someone else. I can't stand how sweet soda is anymore. I had a chicken quesadilla and one little beef taco. I figured that wasn't SO bad, but looking at it now, I can tell my body did not really love that idea.
Anyhow, my day with food was good after that. I went to my friends house and made strawberry freezer jam for the first time! So yummy! We went halfsies on a huge case of strawberries, so then Ed and I made some "healthy" pancakes with strawberries on top for dinner. He also treated me to some over-medium eggs and potato wedge type things. He is such a good cook!
Overall, I felt amazing.

Today is actually the 10th (I know, I'm a time-traveler), and so far I've been good with food and water intake, but I have 3 finals today (I just took one) and a Relief Society activity that I'm helping to run tonight. Not sure how I'm gonna fit a workout in, but I will! I'm determined to keep the momentum and keep pushing myself.
Ok, one last note that I wanted to make about how I'm seeing some actual progress.
I told you all that a HUGE wake up call for me was seeing the pictures from my first comedy show.
Well they just posted to pictures from the show we had a couple of weeks ago when we were just finishing up the "no junk food" challenge and I could SEE a difference. Let me know what you think!

The top is from the RECENT show and the bottom is from the first show.
Granted, it's not much change, but just enough to make me happy and keep me motivated!
Love you all!
Be happy and healthy!
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