Wed - 1
Thurs - 1
Total - 9 1/2
Moving up in the world :)

And this little lady explains the hardest part. Get out of your own way! Be productive! And happy TGIF to everyone :)
W: 1
Th: .5
Total: 11.5
Oh guys...18 credits wasn't the best idea I ever had.
I just started my new job today as a personal assistant/caretaker and even though it doesn't require a lot physically (yet) it has drained me mentally.
It could be because of my course load too, but still...I'm tired.
Today was good though. I really love this job. I get to help a good friend of mine that I taught as a missionary in Portland. He is going to school here and needs someone to help him with time management, meal planning and taking meds, etc.
In my Child Development and Psychology classes I'm learning a lot about people with different disabilities and it's been neat to live what I'm learning.
In other news, I'm excited for my fitness class tomorrow since we're doing kickboxing! Wooohooo!!
My exercise Wed is from that class. I had to do a fitness assessment and I'll do another one midterm and as a final. I'm excited to see how I progress. I have a lot of body fat (we had it measured), but I am pretty flexible. I beat a lot of the "skinny" girls on the flexibility tests, but push ups and jump rope nearly killed me. I am determined to get better!

If I'm struggling with anything lately it's hunger and calorie intake. Gotta keep myself in check before I become a garbage disposal. Ed and I are researching all sorts of protein and other things we need to do to help our workouts have more effect on our bodies. Should be good :)
Hope you laugh or smile today.
Be happy and healthy!
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