Day 5 - 1
Day 6 - 0
Total - 1
Well we somehow completely missed Friday, but it was a good day! I actually went on 2 long walks, one with my nephew, and one in the mall getting a bazillion job applications. And had some pretty healthy foods along with my green smoothies, so I'm not complaining.
Today was a different story though. I weighed myself this morning, and the scale told me my weight hadn't budged. I tried to maintain a good attitude and have a healthy day, I had green smoothies and plans to go walking, but then I bombed a math test (to prep for my final on Monday). So when my mom brought home pizza and ice cream for while the guys were gone during Priesthood session of General Conference (it's a Mormon thing) I gave in, and chilled out while watching a chick flick with my mom and sister.
So since we're not working out tomorrow, I guess I'll just be starting again on Monday. I also have a a job interview (I really need this one too!!!!!), a few of my finals, and I'll be packing for a trip to SD, so I'm going to try my very best to stay on top of everything, but I can't make any promises. Hope you guys have a great relaxing weekend!!
Day 5: 0
Day 6: 0
Total: ??
So, I promise I'm still doing this challenge, but let me explain myself...
I had a mission reunion in Utah this weekend that we decided to go to the night before. I had no time to plan and when you fail to plan, you (say it with me) plan to fail.
I'm not gonna get too down about it, because I know that I'm committed to these changes. It's just time to focus on planning out the next couple of weeks and make sure I keep up my end of the deal.
Also, this weekend has just been such a positive, that I think I needed to not worry or think too much about everything I was eating or doing...and obviously a lot of that doing was driving (4 hours there and back). In any case, I'm happy I went to Utah and I'm very happy to be home now.
This coming week is finals (woof!) and then we get a whole week off! Then the next week is a new semester with an 18 credit course-load AND try-outs for "The Humor Code" our comedy troupe.
I'm gonna sit down with the husband soon and make some solid plans for exercising and eating well during those stressful transitions.
Wish me luck please! I know Courtney and I both need your prayers, thoughts and good vibes!
If you haven't seen it yet, please look at the YouTube video I made for us on our last post.

The funny picture of the day is brought to you by Mother Nature. It might be TMI, but during all this other madness, I'm also expecting some awesome PMS. Woohoo! Like I said...I need your loves! :)
Thanks for reading y'all...I love love love you all!
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