Today: 1
Yesterday: 0 :(((
So I got the days mixed up...and since we don't count Sunday, yesterday was actually day 9 and today is day 10.
I have a cold, so I'm sorry if this is short and scattered.
Yesterday I got into my work out clothes, drove to Rexburg to work out and then my husband basically said I couldn't workout because he was given some Elk meat from a friend that we needed to get home ASAP. Once we got home and ate dinner, his mission buddy came over to stay for a few nights...we all stayed up until about 2am chatting. So...blame my husband! ;) I feel lame about it, but I really feel like it was out of my control. I TOOK 3 FINALS THAT DAY! I accomplished something...right?
Ok, so today Ed wanted to hang out with some other buddies in town and so I spent all day on campus. I worked out HARD to make up for missing yesterday. Totally hit that point in cardio where I wanted so badly to stop, but then my favorite Imagine Dragons song came on and I finished! Felt so good. Then I focused on legs and upped my weight on all the machines. I did close to 50 reps on each machine. Either in increments of 10 or 15.
I had one other paper to write for a final and did that today too. I also ate really well and drank more water than I have been.
I posted a video about exercise on my personal facebook, but I will put it on the BwB facebook page as well.

Ok loves, I need some rest or I might be a sickling tomorrow! No bueno!
Love you all!
Be happy and healthy!
Wednesday - 0
Thursday - 0
Total - still 5!
Being in San Diego, I'm finding it difficult to "work out" ... no, that's not entirely true. I'm just being pretty stinking lazy. Any free time is spent with my friends, or just relaxing. After all, this is technically my "spring break" so I'm trying to enjoy my vacation. Although I have pretty much incorporated healthy eating into my every day life, excepting the occasional dessert ;) and I even taught one of my friends here how to make green smoothies! Just spreading the natural love. Now I will bet that tomorrow and Saturday I will get a few half points because I will be part of the slave labor- er, I mean, setup and take down team, for my friend's wedding.
But in other news, I finished reading Divergent. And I have a problem - I don't have the sequel.
PS: Also, I watched Hunger Games the other night, and it made me miss Jeni <3
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