Monday: 0
Tuesday: 1
Total: 5 (I think...)
So I kinda fell off the radar over the past few days. I was still doing my best to eat healthy and work out, I just couldn't find time to blog about it. I was prepping for finals in school, and then getting my life in order while I head out of town for the week. Don't ask me how I managed to fly across the country for a friend's wedding while unemployed, I still am trying to grasp how that all came together, so I'll just chalk it up to another tender mercy <3 this is going to be a fantastic little vacation!

Monday I did pretty good about eating, but I completely spaced and forgot to work out. Then on Tuesday, I had a green smoothie in the morning, then I swept and mopped the entire house (it's all hard wood or tiles), and that took about an hour, which definitely broke a sweat, so I gave that 1/2 a point. Then my mom and grandmother rode with me on the ride to Orlando airport (3 hours south of where I live, cause the plane tickets are $200 cheaper!) and we got Subway on the way. And then running through the airport, literally albeit inconsistently (because of security) for at least 30 minutes, trying to make sure I made my flight on time - also broke a sweat, so there's my other 1/2 point. Made it with 5 minutes to spare before boarding. It was a very long evening of traveling back in time from the east coast to the west coast, but I filled the time easily.
Let it be known that I love to read and write, quite avidly. And one of my favorite things to read are the travel stories in the airplane magazines. I decided a couple of years ago that I want to be a travel writer, and have my adventures published in airplane magazines - I know, lofty goals, right? ;) I just lovelovelove to travel, and the idea of seeing the world, writing about it, and getting paid for it just seems like a dream job that is too good to be true! I don't think that would interfere with my dream of becoming a best-selling author in the book stories, right? Though reading was my first love, writing second and traveling third, I'm most ardent and passionate about writing, because I know there's a little aspiring author deep down inside of me, whose voice is overly anxious to be heard. So hopefully, with or without future husband in tow, I can make those dreams come true some day.

So after I soaked up every culture-filled article in the US Airways magazine, I opened the other book I brought with me (I actually brought 3 with me - a book fiend is always prepared for when boredom strikes). Many of my friends have suggested Divergent, which seemed somewhat interesting. I'll read anything under the sun at least once, but not all of the Young Adult genre is my cup of tea. I've read Harry Potter religiously, Twilight tolerably, and Hunger Games hungrily (no pun intended). I started reading the Mortal Instruments, but I couldn't get into it. I never read the Host, but the movie was fantastic, and my sister said the book was even better (isn't it always though?) and that's next on my list (it just wouldn't fit in my carry-on). So I wasn't sure how much I was going to like Divergent. I read about the 1st half of the book on the pane, and I have to admit, I'm pretty intrigued. I loved the author's writing style, it had a very Suzanne Collins feel to it, or maybe it was just the echoes of a dystopian society. But I'm anxious to finish the book, and I'm a little put off that I didn't bring my own story writing summary so that I can pick up writing when the mood strikes. But I couldn't afford the possibility of losing it over such a long distance - what's done is done.
Anyway, there's just a little peak into Courtney's world the past few days. My math final will really be done and over with on Thursday, just enough time to enjoy my last couple days in San Diego. One of my great friends is getting married, and I'm hoping it will warm up enough to be able to enjoy the beach, but let's be real for a minute, this is the west coast we're talking about here ;)
Anyway, I hope you readers, whoever you are, have a great week, and have much more success in living healthy and being happy! :)
PS - a huge shoutout to my sister Sara Willis, who is currently serving the Lord as a missionary in Italy! Happy birthday, sissy! <3
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