Sunday, April 28, 2013

30 for 30 - Days 23 & 24

Friday: 1
Saturday: 1/2
Total: 11

Boom! I'm super excited about this whole gym thing. I've been tearing it up recently, and now I've got my brother and my sister signed up to start coming with me! :)

I know that my schedule over the next few weeks is going to be KILLER. Up at 5:30 for work, possibly squeezing in science homeworking during naptime (since that's all I'm taking this semester, then I'm done with my AA!), working out at the gym after nanny mom gets home between 5:30-6:30, then coming home for shower and dinner, and then all night doing more homework, which might also cut out my institute attendance. This leaves little room for a social life or book writing, but sacrifices must be made, as demonstrated in this little meme here. Decisions, decisions...

Regardless, this is only the short term schedule, because I am going to be saving up money for school in the fall, and that's when the real challenge will begin. So I'll bite the bullet for now, and just do this one day at a time. One more week till this challenge is over, and then Jenny and I will start something new! :) Best of luck to all of you and your goals!

Jenny: (uhm, I just sat here and struggled to type my name...)
23: 1
24: 0
Total: 11.5 (I think...have to check.)

Hey y'all. Guess what I did this weekend?
I drove to Utah and had lunch with my Grandmother who just turned 82! :)

It was so good and much needed weekend break from school, working out and Rexburg. Don't get me wrong, I love all of those things, but each of them in too much dosage has started to take a toll.

Since I was the primary driver today and we barely got home in time for church and taught our first week of primary and had company for dinner tonight, I'm pretty whooped. I might slobber on my arm before my homework is done tonight...mmm...visuals!

Seriously though, life is good. I'm feeling super blessed lately. I have a really full schedule and a lot to think about and do lately, but I can't complain on bit. I know I'm where I'm supposed to be, I am who I'm supposed to be with and I'm making every effort to be better.

As far as working out on Friday, I headed to my Aerobics class only to realize we don't meet Fridays. So I went to the gym for the hour instead. I think I'll do that every Friday since I already have that hour blocked out.

Ed and I got some workouts helping people move this weekend too. In return for our service, we got some free furniture, which we're really grateful for! We also bought a table and chairs which has made me a VERY happy wife.

Like I said, good things all around.
I hope you all had a good weekend and are also working towards your workout goals. We are rooting for you!

As a final thought, I realized all over again that I love myself regardless of the number on the scale.
There are a few reasons. First of all, I really believe God saved me from a world of pain when he made me chubby as a kid. I can't imagine going through some of the vulnerable and hard times in my life with adding relationships or guys chasing me, or even the thought of being promiscuous too early.
Secondly, I am grateful that I can help people feel comfortable around me. This might not seem like it's related to weight, but one fat joke, one crack about reality or food or just being different and I can usually diffuse differences and help people realize that I'm secure with myself and like to laugh at myself sometimes. I don't know if this one is making sense, but I promise I mean it in a good way ;)

Anyhow. I love you all.
Be happy and healthy!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

30 for 30 - Days 21 & 22

Wed - 1
Thurs - 1
Total - 9 1/2

Moving up in the world :)

I've had some pretty productive days recently. I re-activated my account with LA Fitness - I had the membership while I lived in San Diego, but I put it on hold while I had been out of work. It felt good to finally getting back to working my body. Cause let's be real, walking has been the extent of my "workouts" the past few weeks. But now I'm back in the game :)

And this little lady explains the hardest part. Get out of your own way! Be productive! And happy TGIF to everyone :)

W: 1
Th: .5
Total: 11.5

Oh guys...18 credits wasn't the best idea I ever had.
I just started my new job today as a personal assistant/caretaker and even though it doesn't require a lot physically (yet) it has drained me mentally.
It could be because of my course load too, but still...I'm tired.

Today was good though. I really love this job. I get to help a good friend of mine that I taught as a missionary in Portland. He is going to school here and needs someone to help him with time management, meal planning and taking meds, etc.
In my Child Development and Psychology classes I'm learning a lot about people with different disabilities and it's been neat to live what I'm learning.

In other news, I'm excited for my fitness class tomorrow since we're doing kickboxing! Wooohooo!!
My exercise Wed is from that class. I had to do a fitness assessment and I'll do another one midterm and as a final. I'm excited to see how I progress. I have a lot of body fat (we had it measured), but I am pretty flexible. I beat a lot of the "skinny" girls on the flexibility tests, but push ups and jump rope nearly killed me. I am determined to get better!
I'm giving myself a half point for today for walking around all of campus, running errands for our new apartment and helping a couple in our ward move...they live upstairs!! I definitely worked up a sweat a few times today!

If I'm struggling with anything lately it's hunger and calorie intake. Gotta keep myself in check before I become a garbage disposal. Ed and I are researching all sorts of protein and other things we need to do to help our workouts have more effect on our bodies. Should be good :)

Hope you laugh or smile today.
Be happy and healthy!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

30 for 30 - Days 18 - 20


18: 0
19: 1
20: .5
Total: 10

Ok, so I will admit that I got kind of lazy and busy this weekend and didn't exercise. I probably could have, but I really wanted to get ready for a new semester Monday, so I didn't.

However, despite that little rain cloud, there is sunshine! I mentioned on the Facebook page today that I was accepted into an aerobics class! I am required to work out 4 times a week, keep a food and exercise log and I will even get to use a heart monitor as part of a project for class. I am excited to begin learning more about how to be healthy.

I went to the gym today and did the bicycle machine (is there a better name for it?) for just a few minutes before Ed was done with class. I also TREKED uphill for class this morning...and will have to do that every Mon, Wed and Fri mornings. I signed up for classes that are on opposite sides of campus! Duh! You see Child Development is my 7:45am class and is on the far North side of campus. Then I have Psychology on the Southern-most tip of campus. After that is this Aerobics class and that is on the far North-West side of campus. So needless to say, I either need to get in shape to do this, or doing this will force me to get in shape!

For my picture, I thought I'd go the inspirational route. I know there are moments I was chocolate more than the elliptical. There are days I long for laziness and relaxation rather than sweat and discomfort. I also know that not one day goes by that I don't see the effect of my weight on my quality of life. I often look at other women's bodies and wonder if I will ever look as wonderful or fit as they do. I also think a lot about Motherhood and the habits and traits I want to pass along to my kids. I want them to have a disciplined Mother, with healthy habits that bless their lives. I want to pass on a legacy of health and happiness and I cannot sacrifice that for the instant pleasures of the day.

Love you all. Keep moving forward!
xoxo Jenny

**Tuesday update: Today was SO CRAZY and I have to be up for my 7:45 am class tomorrow, so this will be quick. (It's past midnight now.)
I had I-Night tonight. It's a big carnival type thing for new and returning students to come to for games, challenges, hanging out and getting to know people. It also features some groups on campus, which included my comedy troupe.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE performing, but our first show was a total bust...barely any laughs and a lot of awkward silences or people saying, "awww" when someone made a funny jab at another character. Not the kind of energy we were expecting.
Luckily the second show of the night was MUCH better. It was rather emotional and exhausting, though, to give your all to something and have it feel like a failure.
I'm giving myself a half point today because Ed and I did a ton of walking this morning as we shopped for new semester items and some much needed furniture.
We are moving to the downstairs apartment in our house and we're stoked, but it's much bigger and we need to have legit furniture!
This was supposed to be short, right...sheesh.
Anyhow, if any of you have performed in any kind of theatre, it can be quite a workout. Me and the other girls on the cast had about 5 random dance parties, then we gave all we could to our characters. In one scene I throw myself on the ground and have a fit. Also, I went up and down the stairs by the theatre about a hundred times!
Anyhow...I promise to give you an update about my fitness class tomorrow :D

Sat - 0
Mon - 0
Tue - 0?
Total - Still 7 1/2

Note to self - don't ever start a new semester, a new full time job, and your period at the same time. These past few days have not been my finest. I have been an emotional and physical train-wreck since I got back from San Diego, and I'm just trying to work through it. I know that I need to be better, in a lot of aspects in my life, but I'm taking it one day at a time.

New full time nanny job includes running around after 2 toddlers, starting at 5:30 every morning. It's all I can do to stay awake during nap time to do homework, make necessary phone calls, or make little updates like this on my laptop. Once I get off work, I'm headed straight to the gym, to re-open my account at LA Fitness and then I'll hope and pray that I can wiggle the monthly dues down so that it will fit into my monthly budget. I plan on taking my nanny kids on a long walk, but that's going to be completely dependent on how freakishly bipolar the weather is feeling today. Which has also been part of my downfall, because of the 4 days of rain, I've been seriously lacking in my vitamin D / sunshine / happiness.

Also, I'm starting this new semester off with a bang, and it has been a hellish nightmare for the past 48 hours. Right now I'm an online student through BYU-Idaho, but I'm trying to change that so that I can bean on-campus student in the fall for my Bachelors (why am I trading in Florida for Idaho, you ask? Because I'm crazy, and only a certified lunatic would do what I'm doing). But I've hit about one brick wall after another trying to get everything set up in the fall, while I start the spring semester, and I haven't met one helpful person in the ten various offices that I've had to call. I would just give up now if I didn't know that it's where Heavenly Father wants me to go. So I've just got to suck it up and wait till He fixes everything, cause I've done my part.

Anyway, this isn't a blog for me to vent out my frustrations, it's for everyone to be motivated and healthy and happy! So since Jenny already provided you with some motivational encouragement, I will include some humor for your day. If you're struggling like me, just focus on what you can control, and we'll get through it eventually. There's gonna be a light at the end of the tunnel right?!

Keep your head in the game, people.

Friday, April 19, 2013

30 for 30 - Days...17 - Jeni

Today: 1
Yesterday: 1
Total: 8.5 (I finally went back and counted!)

Oh hello there...I know, we're practically strangers after all this time I haven't blogged. I'm so sorry. This week is my Spring Break and I think I just kind of "checked out" on a lot of things. Good thing the new semester starts next week and I will be back to a very structured schedule, which will include blogging and food and exercise recording.

In the meantime, here's the damage. After that cold that kicked my butt (and still likes to send me reminders in the morning that my throat is sore, etc.) I tried to jump back into the routine I was doing at the gym, but it was rough. I went with my husband to the gym on Monday and woke up feeling even more sick on Tuesday.

Wednesday was a fluke. I wanted to go to the gym, but somehow between babysitting and caring for my husband who had caught my cold, it just didn't happen.

However yesterday and tonight we went to the gym together and it's been so much fun. I am VERY motivated by him being there with me. I also feel like I can push through the hard parts of my workout a lot better than before! I'm getting stronger.

I really want to run a 5K in July, so I want to do the "couch to 5K" program sometime soon. I will post about it, promise. If I end up doing that I will need to structure my time at the gym a little differently.

Right now, I do 30 minutes of cardio (usually the elliptical, but I did the treadmill today and like that a lot too) and then focus on one part of my body to work on for another 10-20 minutes. Then I stretch and head home.

I really love the set up of the BYU-I gym and how many machines and how much variety they have. They have things I've never even seen as a 3 year member of 24 hour fitness. I am impressed and sometimes overwhelmed, but mostly just glad to have a place I can go where the dress code is modest and we all know the doctrine of the body :)

My picture today isn't funny, but man is it true! I needed this and many other affirmations I recently pinned. :) Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

That's all for now. I promise I will be better. Thanks for hanging in there. Love you all!

Be happy and healthy!

30 for 30 - Days 13-17 - Courtney

Monday - 0
Tuesday - 1
Wednesday - 0
Thursday - 1/2
Friday - 0
Total - 7 1/2

One of my friends told me that San Diego brings me good luck. Not only did I get 3 different job offers for back home in Florida while I was vacationing in SoCal, I ALSO LOST 5 POUNDS.

Score for Courtney :) I haven't seen that scale so much as budge throughout all our healthy changes and challenges. And I wasn't moving my body any more than normal, and I would split a green smoothie with a girl friend almost every morning, which is nothing new. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I will take what I can get! It just doesn't make any sense. But what can I say? San Diego loves me :)

Right now (Wednesday) I'm running on like 2 short power naps, because I got ZERO sleep last night - flying red-eye without Dramamine is a setup for a pretty hellish night. I didn't get airsick at all, I just couldn't fall asleep. I have a bad habit of staying up late, regardless of what side of the country I'm on, and with all my recent time traveling, my body was probably in freak-out mode, trying to figure out what it should do. So my plane landed this morning, I took a shower and a short nap, and I went to a babysitting job. Came home and took another nap, and then went to a job interview. I then realized that I had started my period (sorry to any male readers) but that is just added stress to my already worn out body. So this blog entry might come out a little delusional, but I'm going to finish this update before I conk out for good.

Tuesday my workout included running up and down flights of stairs while helping a friend move out of his apartment, and literally running across the airport, after realizing that I was supposed to be checking in at United Airlines, not US Airways. #storyofmylife

Thursday I took my nanny kids on a walk to the park just down the street, and I was thriving in the humidity :) am I weird that I love it so much? The weather was so dry and cool while I was in Cali, so being back in sunshine and warmth was good for me.

Friday - The rest of the week has been me recovering from some serious jet lag, and jumping right back into working full time. I got my first paycheck today :) and I'm making some serious goals for myself next week. I'm determined to kick the rest of this month in the junk!

As for Jenny, I'm sure you'll be hearing about her weekly update soon enough.

Best of luck to the rest of you and your goals too! :)

Monday, April 15, 2013

30 for 30 - Days 11 & 12

Friday - 1/2
Saturday - 1/2
Total - 6!

That's only half, haha...

I need to step it up.

Life has been crazy the past few days, because I've just been running around helping with one of my friend's weddings in San Diego. But with all the heavy lifting and decorating and body moving activities, I can safely say that I get half a point for each day.

In other great news, I might have a job when I get back home! :D I've been invited to a couple interviews, but I know for sure there's this one nanny mom that needs some help the day that I get back. So I'll be getting paid, woo hoo!!! That also means that once I get a steady income again, I can go back to the GYM!!!! :D and then this challenge is going to be on like Donkey Kong. Keep that in mind, Jeni! ;)

Yesterday started out pretty rough, but I had a fantastic day at church, and I was taught many things by the Spirit, even from lessons that I had already heard before. I'm just so blessed, even in my trials - even on a Monday! ;) And I'm so grateful that the Lord is aware of me, and he wants me to be happy and successful, and he provides for me, even when I don't expect it, or deserve it.

Matthew 6:28 - "Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:" <3


Last few days: 0
Today: 1
Total: Still don't know.

So, being sick is we all know, and I've seriously done nothing but sleep, eat, go to church and leave the house one other time.

It's been necessary, but really hurt my good streak of working out. Especially since I was working my way to more time and harder resistance.

In any case, today I'm feeling better, but Ed is super sick now :(

I'm also babysitting my neighbors newborn. So fun! Ed and I talked about working out later today, but if he's still sick, I doubt we'll go.

Being sick doesn't give me a very big appetite, so I haven't eaten a lot, but Ed has ensured that I'm getting at least some protien and starch in my dinners.

I am anxious to feel 100% and jump back into things.

My funny picture is a little jab at all of us who have used every excuse in the book to not take responsibility for our actions. Funny, but true.

I'm gonna get back to watching this precious baby take her nap :)

Be happy and healthy, loves!

UPDATE: Just got back from the gym with Ed. He is stoked about getting back in shape too, so it will be nice to have multiple workout buddies :)

I have a couple of thoughts. First of all, a good playlist can make or break a work out session. Second of all, working out ALWAYS ends up being worth it and I'm always a lot happier and more satisfied when I go.

Lastly, I have a couple of exciting announcements for the upcoming months, but I'm finalizing a lot of things, so please keep praying and pulling for Courtney and I to be able to make our health a priority and be successful!

I can't end without a quick tidbit about the tragic bombing that happened in Boston today. There is evil in this world and there is good. There were tragedies that happened, including the little 8 year old girl who died, but there is always a lesson to be learned and a beautiful side to tragedy. I posted this picture earlier on FB from Mr. Rogers and I believe with my whole heart there is always good to be seen in moments of disaster. God lets bad things happen to good people, but He never leaves them alone.

My prayers are with you all <3

30 for 30 - Days 9 & 10


Today: 1
Yesterday: 0 :(((

So I got the days mixed up...and since we don't count Sunday, yesterday was actually day 9 and today is day 10.

I have a cold, so I'm sorry if this is short and scattered.

Yesterday I got into my work out clothes, drove to Rexburg to work out and then my husband basically said I couldn't workout because he was given some Elk meat from a friend that we needed to get home ASAP. Once we got home and ate dinner, his mission buddy came over to stay for a few nights...we all stayed up until about 2am chatting. So...blame my husband! ;) I feel lame about it, but I really feel like it was out of my control. I TOOK 3 FINALS THAT DAY! I accomplished something...right?

Ok, so today Ed wanted to hang out with some other buddies in town and so I spent all day on campus. I worked out HARD to make up for missing yesterday. Totally hit that point in cardio where I wanted so badly to stop, but then my favorite Imagine Dragons song came on and I finished! Felt so good. Then I focused on legs and upped my weight on all the machines. I did close to 50 reps on each machine. Either in increments of 10 or 15.

I had one other paper to write for a final and did that today too. I also ate really well and drank more water than I have been.

I posted a video about exercise on my personal facebook, but I will put it on the BwB facebook page as well.

Ok, funny picture was stolen from a lady I taught on my mission. It's sad, but true. I don't think I even want to be "smokin'," but I don't think I would be anyhow. Today I had another sad moment about the scale not changing, but I also had a really good moment when I watched that video and it said that it's still better for your health to exercise and be overweight than not to. That should be obvious, but when a doctor tells you on YouTube, that's when it's doctrine! ;)

Ok loves, I need some rest or I might be a sickling tomorrow! No bueno!

Love you all!
Be happy and healthy!


Wednesday - 0
Thursday - 0
Total - still 5!

Being in San Diego, I'm finding it difficult to "work out" ... no, that's not entirely true. I'm just being pretty stinking lazy. Any free time is spent with my friends, or just relaxing. After all, this is technically my "spring break" so I'm trying to enjoy my vacation. Although I have pretty much incorporated healthy eating into my every day life, excepting the occasional dessert ;) and I even taught one of my friends here how to make green smoothies! Just spreading the natural love. Now I will bet that tomorrow and Saturday I will get a few half points because I will be part of the slave labor- er, I mean, setup and take down team, for my friend's wedding.

But in other news, I finished reading Divergent. And I have a problem - I don't have the sequel.

PS: Also, I watched Hunger Games the other night, and it made me miss Jeni <3

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

30 for 30 - Day 9 - Jeni

Today: 1 big fat point!

I don't know what my total is anymore...

Ok, so I have officially jumped back on the bandwagon! I'm feeling awesome about the progress I'm making and I will tell you why.

First of all, Ed and I came to school for the one class I had and then went and worked out! Ed did some laps in the pool and I totally killed it on the elliptical  I really pushed myself harder and did an intensive cardio workout for 25 minutes straight! I was working up an amazing sweat and almost kept going, but I wanted to work on my core a bit more.

I went and used this crunch machine thingy (obviously I'm a professional) where you are doing a crunch motion while sitting up, but you are crunching extra weight. Don't know if that makes sense. Here's a picture...I do better with pictures, how about you?

Anyhow, after that I was feeling the burn, still working up a great sweat and feeling like a boss. So I swaggered on over to the crunch balls and as soon as I leaned back...I couldn't get myself back up. I think I exhausted my muscles cause I just couldn't even move upward at all and I looked super awkward. I don't think anyone was watching, but if they were, they got quite a show. I leaned further back on the ball and tried to pretend and do something with my legs that looked legit, then rolled off as gracefully as possible head first backwards. :) Oh Jeni...these are the moments of your life.

So, I must admit, after that workout, I was STARVING. I had only done an apple and peanut butter for breakfast and by the time I was done working out it was 2pm. No bueno! Ed and I hadn't packed a lunch either, so...we did something I haven't done in almost 2 months...we ate out! *dun dun duuunnn*

It wasn't my most glorious moment, but I did give my drink away to someone else. I can't stand how sweet soda is anymore. I had a chicken quesadilla and one little beef taco. I figured that wasn't SO bad, but looking at it now, I can tell my body did not really love that idea.

Anyhow, my day with food was good after that. I went to my friends house and made strawberry freezer jam for the first time! So yummy! We went halfsies on a huge case of strawberries, so then Ed and I made some "healthy" pancakes with strawberries on top for dinner. He also treated me to some over-medium eggs and potato wedge type things. He is such a good cook!

Overall, I felt amazing.

For my funny picture, I give you this amazing gem that pretty much sums up how I feel at the gym, every. single. time. But hey, the hope is that one day I will do even harder workouts and still not need to catch my breath as often!

Today is actually the 10th (I know, I'm a time-traveler), and so far I've been good with food and water intake, but I have 3 finals today (I just took one) and a Relief Society activity that I'm helping to run tonight. Not sure how I'm gonna fit a workout in, but I will! I'm determined to keep the momentum and keep pushing myself.

Ok, one last note that I wanted to make about how I'm seeing some actual progress.
I told you all that a HUGE wake up call for me was seeing the pictures from my first comedy show.
Well they just posted to pictures from the show we had a couple of weeks ago when we were just finishing up the "no junk food" challenge and I could SEE a difference. Let me know what you think!

The top is from the RECENT show and the bottom is from the first show.
Granted, it's not much change, but just enough to make me happy and keep me motivated!

Love you all!

Be happy and healthy!

30 for 30 - Days 7 & 8 - Courtney

Monday: 0
Tuesday: 1
Total: 5 (I think...)

So I kinda fell off the radar over the past few days. I was still doing my best to eat healthy and work out, I just couldn't find time to blog about it. I was prepping for finals in school, and then getting my life in order while I head out of town for the week. Don't ask me how I managed to fly across the country for a friend's wedding while unemployed, I still am trying to grasp how that all came together, so I'll just chalk it up to another tender mercy <3 this is going to be a fantastic little vacation!

Monday I did pretty good about eating, but I completely spaced and forgot to work out. Then on Tuesday, I had a green smoothie in the morning, then I swept and mopped the entire house (it's all hard wood or tiles), and that took about an hour, which definitely broke a sweat, so I gave that 1/2 a point. Then my mom and grandmother rode with me on the ride to Orlando airport (3 hours south of where I live, cause the plane tickets are $200 cheaper!) and we got Subway on the way. And then running through the airport, literally albeit inconsistently (because of security) for at least 30 minutes, trying to make sure I made my flight on time - also broke a sweat, so there's my other 1/2 point. Made it with 5 minutes to spare before boarding. It was a very long evening of traveling back in time from the east coast to the west coast, but I filled the time easily.

Let it be known that I love to read and write, quite avidly. And one of my favorite things to read are the travel stories in the airplane magazines. I decided a couple of years ago that I want to be a travel writer, and have my adventures published in airplane magazines - I know, lofty goals, right? ;) I just lovelovelove to travel, and the idea of seeing the world, writing about it, and getting paid for it just seems like a dream job that is too good to be true! I don't think that would interfere with my dream of becoming a best-selling author in the book stories, right? Though reading was my first love, writing second and traveling third, I'm most ardent and passionate about writing, because I know there's a little aspiring author deep down inside of me, whose voice is overly anxious to be heard. So hopefully, with or without future husband in tow, I can make those dreams come true some day.

So after I soaked up every culture-filled article in the US Airways magazine, I opened the other book I brought with me (I actually brought 3 with me - a book fiend is always prepared for when boredom strikes). Many of my friends have suggested Divergent, which seemed somewhat interesting. I'll read anything under the sun at least once, but not all of the Young Adult genre is my cup of tea. I've read Harry Potter religiously, Twilight tolerably, and Hunger Games hungrily (no pun intended). I started reading the Mortal Instruments, but I couldn't get into it. I never read the Host, but the movie was fantastic, and my sister said the book was even better (isn't it always though?) and that's next on my list (it just wouldn't fit in my carry-on). So I wasn't sure how much I was going to like Divergent. I read about the 1st half of the book on the pane, and I have to admit,  I'm pretty intrigued. I loved the author's writing style, it had a very Suzanne Collins feel to it, or maybe it was just the echoes of a dystopian society. But I'm anxious to finish the book, and I'm a little put off that I didn't bring my own story writing summary so that I can pick up writing when the mood strikes. But I couldn't afford the possibility of losing it over such a long distance - what's done is done.

Anyway, there's just a little peak into Courtney's world the past few days. My math final will really be done and over with on Thursday, just enough time to enjoy my last couple days in San Diego. One of my great friends is getting married, and I'm hoping it will warm up enough to be able to enjoy the beach, but let's be real for a minute, this is the west coast we're talking about here ;)

Anyway, I hope you readers, whoever you are, have a great week, and have much more success in living healthy and being happy! :)

PS - a huge shoutout to my sister Sara Willis, who is currently serving the Lord as a missionary in Italy! Happy birthday, sissy! <3

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

30 for 30 Challenge - Days 7 & 8


You know how in dieting you hit plateaus? I haven't even lost weight and I'm feeling that way. I'm going to be seeing a doctor today about some personal issues and I think I'm going to ask him why this seems to be happening. I am more physical than I have been in at least 2 years and I'm eating much better than I have in that same time, so I just don't understand why things aren't changing.

Along with that, I had a meltdown yesterday. I don't want to talk about it too much, mostly for fear that I will ruin another day and today seems to be going alright. I've been doing really well about the miscarriage I had at the end of January, in fact a big part of that was taking control of my body again, but yesterday I just fell into some major sadness again.

It was a mixture of a lot of things, and I think a HUGE factor is PMS. It's really been bad for me my whole life. I turn into another person sometimes and I feel completely out of control of my own emotions. I mostly get irritable, but sometimes, like yesterday, I get overwhelmingly sad.

The trigger was my Finance class. We're finishing up a unit on Insurance and the last day was about Health Insurance. I didn't even know there was such a thing, but she began to explain what maternity insurance was. Fast forward through all the boring stuff and she's giving us a warning that maternity insurance isn't a good idea. She ended by saying, "If you sign up for it and don't have a baby in 9 months, you still pay for it." BOOM. I couldn't move. For me, the reference to not having a baby after 9 months just hit that nerve in my heart where Indie (that was our baby's nickname) resides. After class I told Ed I didn't feel good. He could see it in my eyes and asked me if I just felt sad. I said yes and he said he had felt that too.

I tried my best to have a good rest of the day. I had 2 more classes and I managed to really focus and participate, but in the quiet moments that would follow, I would want to curl up in a ball and cry.

I tried making plans for that night, but by the time I got home and laid on my bed, I knew I wasn't going to get up again. Ed and I talked, I cried and cried, he made me some dinner, I watched some Netflix and went to bed.

Somewhere in Ed and I's conversation he asked me to focus my attention on the Savior and His peace. I said a prayer and then Ed said on with me. It certainly brought the peace to my mind, but then my body was stressed and I had a horrible stomach ache for the rest of the night.

I'm not sharing this to be a Debbie-downer, but I told you all how I want nothing else than to be honest with you. Yesterday I didn't exercise, and by the end of the day I was in a "eat all the things" mood that probably contributed to my stomach ache.

I also share this so you will know how much I believe in Christ and his peace. I am grateful for a loving Husband who points me to God and not to earthly remedies. I am also grateful that sleep and time can heal, and that today is a NEW day. Ed and I plan on going to my ONE class today and then to the gym. I'm excited, since Ed and I have never gone together. I doubt he'll stay right next to me, but it's still nice to know he'll be there with me.

I love you all and hope that you had a better yesterday than I did, but also that when you have a roadblock, a bump, a plateau, that you will find support wherever you can to get through.

If you find that you have no one else, please leave us a message on our facebook page, or comment here on this blog. We want you to succeed and you should never feel alone in this journey of health and happiness.

Have a good NEW day, loves!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

30 for 30 Challenge - Day 5 & 6


Day 5 - 1
Day 6 - 0
Total - 1

Well we somehow completely missed Friday, but it was a good day! I actually went on 2 long walks, one with my nephew, and one in the mall getting a bazillion job applications. And had some pretty healthy foods along with my green smoothies, so I'm not complaining.

Today was a different story though. I weighed myself this morning, and the scale told me my weight hadn't budged. I tried to maintain a good attitude and have a healthy day, I had green smoothies and plans to go walking, but then I bombed a math test (to prep for my final on Monday). So when my mom brought home pizza and ice cream for while the guys were gone during Priesthood session of General Conference (it's a Mormon thing) I gave in, and chilled out while watching a chick flick with my mom and sister.

So since we're not working out tomorrow, I guess I'll just be starting again on Monday. I also have a a job interview (I really need this one too!!!!!), a few of my finals, and I'll be packing for a trip to SD, so I'm going to try my very best to stay on top of everything, but I can't make any promises. Hope you guys have a great relaxing weekend!!


Day 5: 0
Day 6: 0

Total: ??

So, I promise I'm still doing this challenge, but let me explain myself...
I had a mission reunion in Utah this weekend that we decided to go to the night before. I had no time to plan and when you fail to plan, you (say it with me) plan to fail.

I'm not gonna get too down about it, because I know that I'm committed to these changes. It's just time to focus on planning out the next couple of weeks and make sure I keep up my end of the deal.

Also, this weekend has just been such a positive, that I think I needed to not worry or think too much about everything I was eating or doing...and obviously a lot of that doing was driving (4 hours there and back). In any case, I'm happy I went to Utah and I'm very happy to be home now.

This coming week is finals (woof!) and then we get a whole week off! Then the next week is a new semester with an 18 credit course-load AND try-outs for "The Humor Code" our comedy troupe.

I'm gonna sit down with the husband soon and make some solid plans for exercising and eating well during those stressful transitions.

Wish me luck please! I know Courtney and I both need your prayers, thoughts and good vibes!

If you haven't seen it yet, please look at the YouTube video I made for us on our last post.

The funny picture of the day is brought to you by Mother Nature. It might be TMI, but during all this other madness, I'm also expecting some awesome PMS. Woohoo! Like I said...I need your loves! :)

Thanks for reading y'all...I love love love you all!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

30 for 30 Challenge - Day 4

Courtney -
Today: 0
Total: 3

If I'm being super honest, I did absolutely nothing today. Even my eating wasn't that great. Thank goodness for starting over and a new day tomorrow right?? Today I was busy with catching up on homework in preparation for finals next week (that might be all you hear about for the next few days, from the both of us!!) and then hanging out with my nieces. We walked to the park by my house and I tossed a tennis ball around for them to practice hitting, but again, they got more of a work out than I did. I had a tonic this morning, pizza for lunch, and a green smoothie for dinner, so that wasn't very well balanced at all either.

All I know about tomorrow is that it will include a job interview (fingers, toes and all other extremities crossed!!!) and an afternoon at the fair with my fam. I'm gonna have to throw in a little workout video in there somewhere. But hopefully y'all had better luck than I did today!

And in light of General Conference coming up this weekend (so excited!!!) here is a little motivation, for me more than anyone else. Happy weekend, people!!


Today: 0
Total: 2.5

Well, I know we're always saying how we are the same person, but today that could not be more true.

I had a LOOOOONG day...and it did not include eating well OR working out :(

What it did include was finalizing some exciting new features of this blog!

And lots and lots of finals prep, school requirements, and homework...yay!?

OK, so here's a funny picture...which is painfully true and the place I totally bombed today...I gave in to the 6 oreos still left in the cupboard. The good news? They aren't there anymore! :)

So, I'm hesitant all of a sudden to post this, but I made a video today that I hope is a first of many.

It's a little intro to me and what Courtney and I are doing, with a little bit of my recent struggles and how they have become my motivation.

Be kind, I'm new to editing and video making in general...and yes, this was in my car...good acoustics? Nope, just busy!
Love you all!
Be healthy and happy...and always remember tomorrow is a new day!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

30 for 30 Challenge - Day 3

My first workout of the Month!

Today: 1
Total: 2.5

Today was wonderful!

Had a whole wheat bagel in the morning and small meals the rest of the day. Did wonderful on calories and went to the gym tonight!

Overall, I'm just trying to stay pumped about this whole journey. I had a couple of days where I was feeling kind of low, but I just need to remember that this is gonna take time...patience has never been a virtue of mine.

A little action shot...
I heard something today that really hit me hard, "You always need to love your body. Even if you are overweight and trying to get healthy, the body you have now is gonna get you there." WOW! So true. a boss ;)
A big part of this journey has already taught me to appreciate the gift of my body. Heavenly Father gave it to me. It's unlike any other. I need to realize that it's the only one I get, so treat it right!

Today for exercise, I intended to go to my favorite Zumba instructor's class, but it was cancelled and there won't be anymore classes this semester :( So I went to the gym instead. My friend didn't really feel it, so she said she would stretch while I worked out. I committed to do a solid 15 minutes on the elliptical (I want to work my way up) and then do the circuit area with all sorts of weight machines for the other 15 minutes.

I was just winding down to 15 minutes on the elliptical when my favorite Imagine Dragons song came on in the gym, so I just pumped it through the last 4 minutes.
Then the machines had me working up a good sweat and my arms were hurting, but I just couldn't stop. It just really caught hold of me tonight. I love feeling like my body can do anything.

I ended with a good stretching session and some jumping jacks!

So another exciting announcement is that there is officially a facebook page for "Besties with Breasties". We'd love for you to "Like" our page and we'll try and keep some fun updates going for you!

I'm posting some random pictures of my work-outs. I'm gonna try and keep taking pics to stay accountable and track any progress I see.
My instagram name is jenidominga, feel free to follow me!

Ok, onto my funny picture for today! This is how I'm feeling this week...yes, finals are upon us! Next week are all the final tests, but this week there are lots of writing assignments, study groups, etc. etc.

I took a music listening test today and just bombed it...I was so tired and totally second guessed myself :( I felt like Kel in this picture for sure.

But life is good. I feel good. I hope you are all feeling good too!

Be happy and healthy, my loves!

Today - 1
Total - 3

Today wasn't as good as my past 2 days, in regards to food. I forgot to take the tonic, and I didn't feel like I had as much energy today. But I still got my "work out" in - I did some stretching and then went on a long walk, which definitely breaks a sweat in this Florida humidity. And over the past few weeks and months of making these changes, my body notices a difference, because my score muscles are becoming stronger, and I know that as long as I stretch, the stiffness goes away. That being said,  I don't know if being unemployed can be seen as a blessing, but while I haven't been working, I've been able to really look at who I am when I'm not a student, outside of school. My role as a student is important, but I'm also a sister, a daughter, a writer, a woman, and I've just been able to refine those roles, and dig deeper into knowing myself. That includes knowing my body and taking care of it. But I've come to love my long walks. Whether I'm walking down a busy road listening to music, or taking a stroll down my favorite River Road, long walks give me time to think, ponder, and reflect on important things that I may be concerned or stressed about, things I need to plan or prepare for, or just quiet time to appreciate life and enjoy the beauty of nature. So I'm oddly grateful for this time of my life, even if it isn't the most ideal life situation - I guess refiner's fires really do end up making us better people.

And I'm not a runner - yet. My chiropractor said no running, so I won't, at least until I strengthen my core muscles more, and become more physically prepared for it. Until then, I'm going to walk the soles off my shoes, all over this town. Because I can :) and when I do become a runner, I'm going to do a Disney marathon. Someday!!!!! Because a goal that isn't written down is just a wish. So keep track of those goals, people! And plan little baby steps to help you achieve them :) YOU CAN DO IT!!! Or from a not-so-popular Disney Channel Original Movie, I tell you in Spanish - SI SE PUEDE!!!!! ;)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

30 for 30 Challenge - Day 2

Day One: 1
Day Two: 1
Total Points: 2

So let me just tell you about the past 2 days because they have been crazy experiences to say the least.

My mother is a health nut. She has been for as long as I can remember. We rarely go to the doctor (only for emergencies) because she can fix us up with herbs and natural methods. We affectionately call her the Witch Doctor ;) Anyway, she's tried this thing called an Apple Cider Vinegar tonic (16 oz water + 2 tsp ACV) and if you sip it before every meal, it's supposed to help curb your appetite, boost your metabolism and heal whatever ails you! She's told me about it before, and she's lost weight from it too, so I decided to add it to my schedule, just for this week, to give it a try.

Also, I'm going to put in a plug for doTerra Essential Oils. The way that herbs can heal you naturally, essential oils have the same effect, only it comes from 100% concentrate, so it's much stronger. Anyway, they have all kinds - lavender to help you sleep, peppermint to help with nasseau and headaches, things like that. They also have special blends, like Deep Blue for sore muscles, On Guard to keep from getting sick, etc. And there's one blend called Slim N Sassy, that I've been trying to figure out how to use - it's also a way to boost your metabolism and curb your cravings, so I've been adding 1 or 2 drops to my green smoothies, which I am still doing twice a day, along with healthy snacks in between, and whatever mom makes for dinner.

AND I HAVE NEVER FELT BETTER IN MY LIFE. Now, that's not completely true, because I still have bad lower back pain, and after my very long walk yesterday, I've had a cramp in my calf. But not only have I lost all cravings for chocolate and fast food (which is HUGE), I have also had a huge increase of energy, which was demonstrated today as I spent 4 hours working in our family garden - shoveling, raking, pulling weeds, etc. And that being said, as all of these changes have boosted my metabolism immensely, I have now become hungry ALL THE TIME. I try to keep it at 2/3 hour increments, so I don't gorge myself in one sitting. But this changes are so huge and exciting! I'm trying to keep myself from weighing in. I know what I weighed at the beginning of the week, and so I'm going to weigh myself again on Monday. Fingers crossed!


Day 1: 1/2 Point
Day 2: 1 Point
Total: 1.5 Points

Oh hello there...this is me, right now...
sitting in my undies, on my bed, avoiding the last remnant of homework, husband sleeping next to me, freshly showered after an awesome work out tonight, and quite hungry.

On the first day of this challenge, I didn't plan well and the day escaped me...I had a sick husband, did laundry, made dinner, had FHE with another couple and a full school day (7:45-4:15), soooo the most moving I did was dancing around the kitchen as I cooked. I did do enough to break a sweat, I gave myself a half point.

Tonight, I went to the school to do zumba, but my friend and I didn't love the instructor, so we just went to the gym instead...HOLY MOLY!! Courtney, you NEED to move here ASAP...this place is amaaaaaazing. All sorts of machines, weights, stations, balls, etc. Classes in the corners going on that you can just jump in on, all different shapes and sizes of student in was really neat.

I did about 30 minutes total of cardio on ellipticals (multiple because there was more than one kind and it took a while to find one I liked), and then my friend, Rachelle and I used the circuit training area to do all the machine weights.

I felt SO good. I was really working up a sweat!

That's about all I've got...sorry this is so brief...onto my funny picture...which is just a video...that I'm in...yes, it's my comedy troupe!! :D 

Like I said y'all, this was a BIG wake up call for me...I seriously look huge in this and it makes me sad. I'm not down on myself about it, I just know I need to take control and change it.

As a quick P.S., I had my last visit with a counselor today for the miscarriage. You can check my other blog for details tomorrow :)

Love you guys! 
Be happy and healthy!

Monday, April 1, 2013

NEW! April Challenge - 30 for 30 - Day 1


First thing's first...I adore grumpy cat...he is the perfect intro to this new month and challenge...because rather than being grumpy, he makes me quite happy :D

So...*drumroll please*

30 for 30

Our new challenge!

This challenge is something I found poking around different blogs and pins about fitness and health. I'm also part of MFP as most of you have heard, and there is another woman doing this right now. I'm excited to be her friend and support her, and totally steal this idea ;)

So the challenge is pretty simple: exercise for 30 minutes a day for 30 days!

There is only one thing keeping us from doing a perfect April 30 days...and that's the fact that we're LDS and don't work out on Sundays.
So I went to the calendar, removed all Sundays, and we will end right on May 4th. This is exciting since it's another Holiday (Our previous challenge was over on Easter) and Courtney and I are both super connected to this hispanic celebration.
This will be our "day off" kind of like Easter was.

I'm really excited to get moving, but I live in a frozen tundra, so here's my little long as you exercise that day (so maybe not a full 30 minutes) and by exercise, I mean do something to break a sweat) then it won't count as a failed day, but it will only be a half credit.
The person who gets the most full credit days at the end of the 30 days will get a small gift from the other.

Courtney knows this could mean a new movie, book or something she reeeaalllyyyy it's on!!!

Here's a little calendar I made for you to see how the days fall:

I'm SUPER excited to get moving. I know weight loss and health in general is a lot about eating. I think the ratio is 80% what you eat and 20% how you move.

With that being said, I'm going to do my best to avoid sugars, processed foods, and other "junk" food rules, but also add the work out portion.

I'll still be logging into MFP, so please go add me! I love all the friends and support I get there.

Wish us luck!! :D


New month, new goal. Together Jeni and I plan on working out, or doing some kind of physical activity, for at least 30 minutes. I like the way she measured it too - to at least break a sweat. If you're not sweating, it's not working enough, right?! But I'm going to add to my goal. I didn't do too well when it comes to the last challenge, and I think this new one will be more doable for me.

I've done a lot of research on the pros and cons of juicing and green smoothies, and I like them both. But juicing uses up a TON of produce, which can get oober expensive, as Jeni pointed out in her last post. But I've read a ton of success stories for both, people that had a lot of weight to lose, or not so much. One guy lost 80 pounds just doing green smoothies 2 meals a day, and eating whole healthy foods for the other meal, and for snacks. So that's what I want to do. 2 green smoothies per day, fruits and veggies to snack on, and whatever mom makes for dinner (which is always something healthy, because my mom is a health nut) :)

Ultimately, my long term goal is to be fit and healthy, but I want to lose at least 80 pounds by the end of this year. Just like Jeni (we really are the same in almost every way!!!!) I'm the heaviest I've ever been in my life right now, which is not something I'm proud of. I've never had a problem with letting my weight determine my self worth - I've always just been a big girl, and I've been okay with that, since it hasn't stopped me from having friends and having fun. But I know that I can be happier and healthier than I am right now, so it's time to make that change, for realsies. So! I don't think 10 lbs per month is asking a lot, I think that's a reasonable and healthy rate to lose weight. And with the workouts every day and the eating healthy, I'm going to be focused and committed to making this happen :)

I'm super excited about this new challenge! I wasn't all the way on the bandwagon with the last challenge, which is why I kept falling off. But I'm serious this time. Famous last words, right?? ;)

Plus we have some awesome plans for this blog, so hold on to your hats, ladies and gents!