Today was pretty dang good!! I didn't get to go out walking like I wanted to (I was stuck on my bed doing homework, literally ALL DAY) but I did eat pretty good! I had some fruit for breakfast, some veggie wraps for lunch, and whole wheat spaghetti and meatballs for dinner! Not my best day, cause I just sat around like a big potato sack doing nothing, but that means I'll be able to relax tomorrow and not worry about having to finish homework. Besides, I'm going to the temple tomorrow, and I want to enjoy it to the max!! :) Hope y'all have a great weekend & a Happy Easter! I know I will!
Oh hello darlings...
I'm rather exhausted
as I type this, so please forgive me if I'm not coherent.
I just got home from the "Best Of" show at BYU-I. It was an invitation-only variety show that featured all the best acts from each talent group on campus. We were blessed and humbled to be chosen for two slots in the show! Our troupe just started this semester, so that's a huge honor.
We have YouTube links of our show that are being uploaded new each day. I'll send you to one of them and you can find the rest in the playlist. None of the one's I'm in are up yet, but I'll let you know!
So eating was a one-time occasion today...NO BUENO!!! My poor body probably thinks it's starving now :( We rushed out late this morning, so no breakfast. I tried to make lunch stretch, but now it's nearly 10:30 and that was our only meal. Ed and I get grouchy with no food. It's really no fun at all.
Other than that, no junk food. I will admit I was literally HANDED temptation today. For one of my roles I had to bring a thing of cookies with me on stage...I held them for 20 minutes or more total and even moved some of them, but I didn't eat one! VICTORY!!! I felt good about that...especially since I was starving, I could have totally justified it.
In honor of our show tonight, I'll just leave a video instead of picture. I hope you laugh! <3
Stay happy and healthy!

Crazy Kelsey - BYUI Sketch Comedy - The Humor Code
P.S. I thought I would add a picture from the show. I need to tell you all that these pictures were a big "wake up call" moment for me. I'm the heaviest I've ever been and it shows! I really do love myself, but I need to start showing it. If you can't tell, I'm the one with the finger-waving-crazy-latina-who-is-commanding-the-situation-look on her face ;)
I can't wait for this video to be up! I'll let you know when it is.
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