Hola amigos. :)
I'm gonna try and make this quick, but I have some cool insights today.
First of all, water is your new best friend. I know you've heard it a million times, but it's not until the last couple of days that I'm realizing just how handy it can be with trying to eat less, move more and feel good. I'm still in the "pee a lot" phase, which is tricky with being a college student, but not impossible.
Speaking of pee, do you mind me saying that I'm pooping more regularly and it's healthier! Sorry if that's TMI, but I don't believe in TMI, so there :P
My cravings are starting to take a hike, which I'm SUPER grateful for. I have a feeling this isn't the end, but I'm not always thinking about what I can eat that's sweet anymore either.
I've done better at calorie intake, though I will admit that it's been a challenge. I'm at 1500 a day right now, and once I reach my first goal, I will reduce that to 1200. I'm learning that it's harder to eat all my calories, but with a supportive husband and some diligent planning, I'm doing it!
Courtney and I had a Skype conference tonight about our next challenge and I'm really excited to tell you all about it later this month.
We also have some really fun ideas for the blog and where we want to take it. DIY's, creative writing, reviews of books and movies, etc. You will love it...or at least that's the hope!
I need to tell you all about one modification I made, just so I stay 100% accountable. I'm bad at fiber intake, and in order to stay at a healthy level I've always eaten the Fiber One bars. Well, I ran out a couple of weeks ago and I knew I wanted to use them in this new challenge, but they have some chocolate in them. After talking to my husband about it, I decided that the value outweigh the consequences and I have had a bar for both yesterday and today.
The other confession I have is that I had a grilled chicken sandwich this morning (sans mayo) on an asiago bagel. Probably not the same quality as whole wheat, but again, I made a judgment call.
I don't want to justify cheating, and thus far, I've been really good, but I do want to say that the overall purpose of challenges like this is to be more aware of what we are eating and why. I think the fact that I made that call today really signifies my awareness for what I'm eating and hopefully wasn't too much of a diversion. Luckily, it didn't throw my calories too out of whack, so that was good.
One last tip! If you are using MFP to track your calories, I've noticed that entering in meals ahead of time really helps.
For example, my husband is the cook in our family and he usually tells me what he plans for dinner each night. Those days, if I put in dinner ahead of time, it gives me a better gage of how much I should eat in the morning and afternoon. I hope that makes sense, but it's totally working for me! I hope you see some wisdom in it too!

Now this is funny in it's own right, but it's especially funny because my husband and I have similar conversations whenever the other person showers, shaves, grooms, etc. Oh married life!
Love you all!
Be happy and healthy!

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