Hello loves!
I'm so excited about how things have been going with this. Today I didn't feel very good this morning, but this afternoon, after some healthy foods, it's gotten better. (I had a stomach bug Monday...so I think it's hanging on like a desperate ex. Hah!)
So, it's only noon right now, but so far so good. I will admit it's VERY hard to say no to sweets after a big meal, which is like a knee-jerk craving that I just need to work through. I've gotten rid of that before and I'm strong!
So I thought I would give you my MFP profile so that you can see exactly what I'm eating each day, if you are a stalker like that. (https://www.myfitnesspal.com/jenidominga)
Feel free to explore the site and join! You can get an app on your phone which allows you to log your food intake wherever you are. It helps me to do it right away so I don't keep shoveling food in my mouth.
Also, if you join, there are forums, groups, and other ways to network and find support. You should totally be my "Friend" (we ARE friends, right?) and we can pump each other up! Of course, if you want to, you can also keep it totally private.

In case you haven't noticed yet...I know, all two entries! I love humor! I love to laugh...I have realized in the last few months that it is the best medicine.
I joined a comedy troupe on my college campus in February and we just had our first show EVER last Saturday. I was super proud of what we did and lots of people laughed! That was the best feeling in the world!
So now I basically want to be the next Tina Fey...she's gorg, right?! And hilarious! :)
If you will appease me, I will try and get through this challenge with laughter and humor...ENJOY!
(This is Jeni in the future...or the past by the time you read it. It's now the end of the day and I'm happy to report I did well in both the challenge AND my calories...VICTORY! But let me tell you...that ice cream in the freezer is calling out to me! Healthy wishes my friends!!)
Anyhow...I'm hogging all the blog room for Courtney!
Love you! xoxo
First note: Jeni, you are totally Tina Fey to me <3
For me, food-wise, today was better! Not perfect, but definitely better. I had a decent breakfast of eggs, toast and one bite of an orange that had gone bad (as a Florida girl, nothing upsets me more than a sour orange. Well, maybe rain on a perfect beach day, or something monstrous like that). Lunch was freezer burritos (prob not the best choice, but as noted before, options were limited!), snack was strawberries and popcorn, and dinner was made by my bro Luke - cinnamon chicken with onion sauce, corn and rice. BOOM! Twas fantastic. (He's on a new paleo diet thing, which I highly disapprove of as a lifestyle - it's just a glorified Atkin's diet, which is awful for your body - but I've got to admit, that was a yummy dinner!) Now I'm baking cupcakes for a RS birthday party tomorrow night, and yes, I will need to taste test to make sure I'm not feeding people disgusting cupcakes, but I'm only tasting when absolutely necessary. 100 cupcakes might require a bit of taste testing, but I will resist.
I'm not as persistent as Jeni yet, I haven't jumped on the counting calories bandwagon yet, and I used to have that same app on my phone around this time last year, but I could never keep it up. Hopefully I can get back into the swing of things. I am also desperate to get back to the gym. I wish I could run, but I have a bad back (there's a long history with that, more on that later) and my chiropractor strictly said "No running" at least until I build up my core muscles. And lets be real, my core muscles are anything but built right now. Well, maybe they are, but they're built out of playdoh, and not solid brick like it should be. But while I'm out of a job, that means I'm also out of a gym. So I've taken up walking and trying to be more consistent in my stretching. I want to take a yoga class or a pilates class, but I have to be careful with those too, because of my back. Gosh Courtney, excuses much?

But I'm not going to let a few setbacks stop me. I've leaned on my setbacks for too long, and it's time to start making progress again. Hopefully this prep diet will get me back in the game.
If you're getting back in the game too, let us know what you're doing, and how you're doing! Those who struggle to meet the same goals can be some of the best support systems. So say your prayers, believe in yourself, and then get to work! :)
Have a great Tuesday night, y'all! <3
ETA: oh yeah, I also had a Coke. :p
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