Well hello there. Today has been great!
I haven't eaten one sweet for three days now, and today was a bit easier than the first two.
I didn't get as many calories in as I needed to early in the day, so now I'm gonna try and space some time between dinner and a snack to finish up.
It can be a tricky to get calories right, because you never ever want to starve yourself! I've made this mistake before and you can actually GAIN weight if you aren't getting enough calories. Lame, right?
Well, your body thinks it's starving, so it holds onto what you give it like it might not get enough later.

I don't have much else to say today...SO ONTO THE FUNNY PICTURE!
This one is in honor of those days I couldn't spend away from the fridge...luckily those days came and went with puberty, but this...this is funny, because it's accurate!

Not a good day for me. Props to Jeni for being so on top of this. You're an inspiration, my dear. <3
Had peanut butter toast and a banana for breakfast, hot dogs on whole wheat buns (way to go, nanny family!) and a Coke for lunch, yogurt for a snack, and pork chops doused in butter for dinner.... oops? I also had to taste test about 3 cupcakes before I sent them on their merry way to the RS birthday party tonight... so to make up for it, I'm going to do something crazy tomorrow, like walk 7 miles or something, hahaha. Now that I'm out of that nanny house, I can get back to a pretty regular diet, and hopefully a regular schedule too.
In the mean time, I've got some great motivation for my upcoming 5K ;)
Good luck this weekend, everyone!
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