Ok, it's a bit past the middle of the month...but better late than never, right?
Well, I won't lie to you, that cleanse we had going with the cold and hot water was not my favorite thing. I like a cold glass of water in the morning, but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to do the hot water at night.
Now we're moving into the ACV cleanse and so far, I'm just putting it in water and chugging it down. Bleh. I need to find some raw honey and get some lemons, but with school, work and life, I just haven't made my way out to Idaho Falls to pick any up. Maybe Courtney and I will have a little roadtrip.
In other fitness news, I'm FINALLY seeing some scale movement again. I can't tell you how long I was stuck at the same weight...it was driving me insane! But almost a whole month of no sugar has past and I am finally seeing some progress. 7 pounds down. 5 of those happened fast and I thought for sure it was just water weight, but now that I've moves past that I just want to keep going.
This week I tried something new: water aerobics. Has anyone ever done that before? It was intense! I jumped in on my husband's class and we did all deep end stuff with the float-weights. Push ups, crunches, cardio and strength! The difference being in the water is that it feels like fun and you can't tell you are working out at first...at first. Then, because gravity isn't an issue, you realize that you are having to use only the key muscles needed to make certain movements. Shoot...I was sore!! It was a blast and I think I'm going to go again next week.
Short hair, don't care. |
I also got a haircut recently. I decided to chop it all off in hopes that the weather warms up quick. I know it will grow out a bit by Summer, but I like it anyhow.
I still haven't been to the gym this year...I'm not gonna beat myself up about it, since school has started and I'm still adjusting. I want to go with Courtney, but that girl LOADED her plate this semester, so we'll see how it goes.
My delicious smoothie! |
Our instagram challenge has gone really well, so much so that Courtney and I have
decided to do one EVERY month this year. They will be more focused around our own challenges and hopefully help you as much as it helps us!
Make sure to check out our Insta...the link is on the side ---->
We sure love you all and hope this month is going great!
<3 Jenny
P.S. Here is me with my first ever snowman...I made him all by myself from week old snow! ;)